phpMiniAdmin for MySQL 官方英文版 |
2021-01-21 17:16:13 35资源网( |
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下载本资源原文网址: phpminiadmin - extremely lightweight alternative to heavy phpMyAdmin for quick and easy access MySQL databases.
phpminiadmin - 非常轻量级,用于替代笨重的phpMyAdmin来快速方便地访问MySQL数据库。
而不是安装庞大的phpMyAdmin(11Mb的),并试图找出如何使用它的所有功能, 只要上传一个30KB的文件,就可以用!
then access it via the browser (ex. // script will ask you for DB login/pwd after successfull db login you will see area where you able to enter any SQL commands (select, update, insert, etc.) even if you don't know SQL it's still easy to:
browse tables and see all the data manage tables in DB export and import data to .sql and CSV using 'quick links' on the top bar (see screenshots) see what databases you have permission with check server status and statistics ability to do CRUD (i.e. insert, select, update, delete) and launch any SQL supported by any version of MySQL |
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