If ComboPrice.ListIndex = 3 Then d2.RecordSource = "SELECT 信息变化表.Code as 股票代码,Name as 股票名称,Change as 涨跌,CVar([Volume Price] / Volume) as 价格,TypeName as 类型 FROM 股票信息变化表,股票信息表,股票类型信息表 WHERE 股票信息变化表.Day=# " & SearchDate & "# and CVar([Volume Price] / Volume)
如果价格下拉框选中第3项 数据源绑定为 d2.RecordSource = "SELECT 信息变化表.Code as 股票代码,Name as 股票名称,Change as 涨跌,CVar([Volume Price] / Volume) as 价格,TypeName as 类型 FROM 股票信息变化表,股票信息表,股票类型信息表 WHERE 股票信息变化表.Day=# " & SearchDate & "# and CVar([Volume Price] / Volume) >30 and 股票信息变化表.Code=股票信息表.Code and 股票信息表.TypeId=股票类型信息 否则 数据源绑定为 d2.RecordSource = "SELECT 股票信息变化表.Code as 股票代码,Name as 股票名称,Change as 涨跌,CVar([Volume Price] / Volume) as 价格,TypeName as 类型 FROM 股票信息变化表,股票信息表,股票类型信息表 WHERE 股票信息变化表.Day=# " & SearchDate & "# and CVar([Volume Price] / Volume) > " & AverageSel(ComboPrice.ListIndex) & " and CVar([Volume Price] / Volume) <= " & AverageSel(ComboPrice.ListIndex + 1) & " and 股票信息变化表.Code=股票信息表.Code and 股票信息表.TypeId=股票类型信息表.ID" d2.Refresh 统计数据绑定后记录数 TotalCount = d2.Recordset.RecordCount 允许重选择 ComboChange.Enabled = True 标签显示纪录数 Label4.Caption = "共 " & TotalCount & " 条记录。" 很显然条件选择'股票信息变化表'中的某些字段的记录