条款: B/L made out to order of issuing bank original L/ must be received by us within 7days from contract issued date for time of shipment.(我不懂最后“for time of shipment”是什么意思?)
B/L made out to order of issuing bank 以银行,或银行的指定者为受货人(收货人) original L/C must be received by us within 7days from contract issued date for time of shipment. 信用证的正本(Letter of Credit / Documentary Credit)须于合约签发日期起计,七天之内交到我们手上,以有足够时间预备装运货物。 为什么如此翻译,因为有很多是国际贸易的知识在背后的,那不是一时三刻可以解释清楚的,要是希望进一步了解,可以尝试找一些国籍贸易和国际贸易计算的资料研究。 关于L/C,可以参考ICC的UCP500或者是eUCP....