晚上7点,中央9台有个新闻节目叫world wide watch,当节目快完的时候有几个广告,第一个是新加坡公司的广告,后面第2个广告是什么意思啊,还有几个大写的英文字们母:HKSBC 谢谢
Scene 1: a man runs into a woman physically and said sorry. Scene 2: since the woman is attractive,the man wants to ma use of this chance to send some some flowers,but he chooses some chrysanthemums which symolises death in Italian culture. Scene 3: a little while before Scene 2,the woman parks here scooter outside her own house,but a careless driver knocks it down with his van. 我已给你足够的提示,请你再看几遍广告,相信你会明白的. 同意楼上的: 汇丰银行 Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HKSBC) 该广告提出:入乡随俗