I should haven known all long There is something wrong I never read between the lines Then I wo up one day Found that you are on your way Only leave my heart behind 十万火急,关系重大,跪请各位速速解决啊!
I should haven known all long 这里的long 我想应该是 along ,all along=all the time, from the beginning haven是have I should have known all along 我怎么竟一直都没有发觉 There is something wrong 你我之间逐渐拉大的距离 I never read between the lines 你的言外之意我浑然未觉 Then I woke up one day 终于在一个清晨我睁开眼 Found that you are on your way 发现你已经离我而去—— Only leave my heart behind 丢下我的心在空虚中彷徨