在为父报仇的过程中,哈姆雷特却丝毫没有早期复仇者所具备的独断专行的嗜血性,这并非不是他不具备这种能力,而是因为他思想和品行内充满了思辨,充满了疑问,充满了沉思,因此,每当他采取行动时,总是以失败而告终,这一切为他的英雄形象笼上了阴影,哈姆雷特是这部悲剧的中心人物,并且该剧魅力在很大程度上来自于他的复杂个性,他既温柔又冷酷,既仁慈又复仇心重,既是一个性格内向的沉思者,又是一个容易冲动行事的人。 哈姆雷特的性格是一个有趣的谜,他更乐于做思想者,却担起了复仇者的角色,他聪颖过人明察秋毫,却被周围的罪恶与不忠深深
During the cess of revenge, Hamlet nevertheless was deprived of the trait of bloodiness, which had been common character of the early avengers. Not because he was born defected, but for reason that what he thought and behaved embodied critical sense, suspects and meditations as well.Therefore his actions constantly ended up unrewarding, further incresing the feeling of tragedy to this heroical figure. Hamlet was the soul of the play while the appealing thing of the whole story largely depends on his complexity in personality. Tender yet hard, loving while hating, Hamlet was contradictorily an introvert thinker but potencial risker. To conclude, Hamlet is an interesting myth. He intended to be a ideologist while virtuly turned an avenger. He was acute yet confused at the same time. In a word, he has been an everlasting figure in the history of literature with that unique quality.