请将以下词译成英文,多谢了!谢绝机器翻译。 蒙上眼睛就以为看不见 捂上耳朵就以为听不到 而真理在心中,创痛在胸口 还要忍多久,还要沉默多久 如果热泪可以洗尽尘埃 如果热血可以换来自由 让明天能记得今天的怒吼 让世界都看到历史的伤口 哦---哦---哦--- 永远都记得历史的伤口 哦---哦---哦--- 永远都记得历史的伤口
Self-indfolding and assume there's nothing at sight. Plugging the ears and assume everything sounds right. Truth lies in the heart, but the pain is in the chest. How long must we endure? How long must we rest? If falling tears would rinse out dust and dirt... If blood-shedding could make freedom revert... Let today's powerful roaring be heard and remembered. Let this dark age in history be revealed and wondered. Whoa--whoa--whoa-- This dark age in history shall be remembered. Whoa--whoa--whoa-- This dark age in history shall be remembered.