I 关于空间的:f the inside as from the roof. II 关于建筑的:to divert fires and to prevent rain water from flowing down the roof slopes in sheer water slides,several divisions in the mark a clear path for the public.
om the inside as from the roof. 从上面看到的情形和从里面看到的别无二致 divert fires and to prevent rain water from flowing down the roof slopes in sheer water slides,several divisions in the mark a clear path for the public. 为改变火势方向并且也防止雨水顺屋顶斜坡流下,(要做)数个垂直水槽,-----在标牌上注明好几条分叉的路径,------这样路人能看清通道。 很不连贯,太别扭了(句子不成句子,没有主语和谓语)。 请行家指正!