我想你是这方面的专家,请告诉我该怎么,TKS! 虽然我们这季加工的是休闲西装,但同正规西装比较,只是没有胸衬和开叉,其余的做工都是差不多,正规西装的加工费大概8美元左右/套, 所以贵司给我司的休闲西装的加工费是5美元/套的确太低了。
虽然我们这季加工的是西装,但同正规西装比较,只是没有胸衬和开叉,其余的做工都是差不多,正规西装的加工费大概8美元左右/套, 所以贵司给我司的休闲西装的加工费是5美元/套的确太低了 compared with the formal suits,the casual suits we produce in this season is only reduced the fusible of front facing and vents/slits, and almost the same as the formal suits in the other parts of usual,the processing charge of the formal suits is about USD8.00 per suit.while is USD5.00 per suit for casual suits from you. Please kindly understand our situation it's hard to accept the low price. thank you ,and awaiting for hearing from your revised price. 刚才才看到你的贴子,我受宠若惊!:)我顺便加了一些,这样你发出去会委婉一些! 叉,可用vent 也可用slit选一个就行。要用复数,西装是开两个叉的。 胸衬表示方法如上。也有外国客人直接就写:front facing fusible