1他学操作是为了好玩(for fun) 2尽管李老师身体不好,他仍然继续工作(in spite of) 3当列车驶入火车站时,等候的乐队奏起了曲子欢迎来宾(pull into,band) 4真遗憾,足球票卖完了;看哪,还有许多人不肯散去(lingering people) 5我必须意识到学会如何使用电脑是必要的)aware)
1他学操作是为了好玩(for fun) He learned to use computers just for fun. 2尽管李老师身体不好,他仍然继续工作(in spite of) In spite of the fact that he is not healthy, Mr. Li keeps on working. 3当列车驶入火车站时,等候的乐队奏起了曲子欢迎来宾(pull into,band) When the train pulled into the station, the waiting band began to play music to welcome the guests. 4真遗憾,足球票卖完了;看哪,还有许多人不肯散去(lingering people) Unfortunately, the soccor(football) tickets are sold out. Look, there are still many lingering people. 5我必须意识到学会如何使用电脑是必要的)aware) I must be aware of the importance of learning how to use a computer