1.只有经过仔细观察,你才能得出结论(only) 2.读报时,你没必要每个生词都查字典(need) 3.这名女家献身科研事业,她对社会的贡献是无与伦比的.(davote) 4.参观了中国的许多地方之后,我还是最喜欢家乡绍兴,难怪有句古话说金屋银屋比不上自己的草屋.(wonder) 5.现代教育能使学生具有新的观念.(enable) 6.她在医学上的成就是有目共睹,(achievement) 7.我觉得这个项目会值得你努力的(worthy) 7.有些受过训练的动物能帮助人类完成特殊的任务(which) 8.
给你做3个 1. You can obtain the result only by carry out in-depth research. 2. When you read newspaper, there is no need to check dictionary for every new word. 3. This female scientist has dedicated into research career, her devotion is incomparable. OKWAP Online Service cybertron 欢迎大家访问我的博客,学习英语哦!