DJ: [] a. 1. 足够的,充足的 We have enough chairs for everyone. 我们有足够的椅子让大家坐。 I was fool enough to trust him. 我真傻,竟会信赖他。 n. 1. 足够,充分[+to-v,(+for)] We earned enough to buy a new house. 我们挣的钱足够买一幢新房子。 I've had enough, thank you. 我够了,谢谢。 ad. 1. 足够地;充分地[+to-v] They cannot walk fast enough. 他们走得不够快。 I'm old enough to handle my own affairs. 我已经长大了,可以处理我自己的事情。 2. 很,十分 3. 相当地,尚 The situation is serious enough. 情况相当严重。