1、上课不要迟到。 2、Ktae不得不呆在家里吗? 3、铃响了,学生进了教室。 4、我们没有任何乐趣,我们该怎么办? 5、他喜欢去大桥街,因为它是一个玩的好地方。 6、有些人称我们为“白衣天使”。 7、不要整天坐在家里,出去一下。
1.Don't be late to go to class. 2.Does Kate have to stay at home? 3.It's ringing. The students go into the classroom. 4.we don't have any hobby. What should we do? 5.he loves to go to the Big Bridge street, because it is a funny place. 6.some one calls us ‘white angel'. 7.Don't stay at home all the time. Go out and have some sports.