把成语成英语!!! 1貌合神离 2蹉跎岁月 3寸步难行 4遍体鳞伤 5百花齐放,百家争鸣
1.貌合神离: seemingly in harmony but actually at variance 2.蹉跎岁月: idle away one's time 3.寸步难行: be difficult to move single inch a step 4.遍体鳞伤: covered all over with cuts and bruises/beaten black and blue 5.百花齐放,百家争鸣: Let a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend 6.同甘共苦: share weal and woe 7耳目一新:find everything fresh and new 8.逢场作戏:join in the fun by chance daisy的2有错误。少S hhhttt的翻译不错。 我参考了以上两位的答案,又加上词典的翻译和自己的想法。