谁能帮我写一篇关于asking the way的英语作文啊,可以写一写各国应该向谁,或者只要是关于这个题目的都行,要求二三百字左右,不要对话.对文笔要求不高,在明天中午之前急需.望各位英语高手帮帮忙啊.一定感激不尽.
的对话确实很多,但作文是没有的,因为太小儿科了。这里我翻译了一篇短文给你,希望你用的上,讲的是老外在中国要如何问路,要注意什么。 Some tips of asking the way If you are foreigner in China but know little Chinese, and I hope these tips can be helpful for you. The first question is to whom to ask the way. Usually the traffic police, traffic adjutant and young salary man know a little English as well as familiar with surrounding area.So you can count on their help. Besides, you can precheck the termini by Internet before you take the trip. There are many useful websites online to show you the specific position of the city.e.g. The website can provide the most convenient route of Shanghai for you. Thirdly, it’s always recommendable for you to buy a map of visiting city in advance and find and mark the places where you plan to visit on the map.Of course, if you are traveling with travel agency, the only thing you should do is not to become lost. It’s better for you to input your guide’s cell phone’s number in yours in case of you suddenly getting lost in a strange city. By then you can directly call your guide.