Your sweet is all the fortune I could ever ask for. If I were there with you, I would cradle you in my arms and offer you security and more love than you could imagine. I want you and need you in my life my love. I continue to pray for the earthquake vic
你甜蜜的爱是我追求的全部财富。如果我与你在一起,我会轻轻地抱着你给你安全感和更多超越你想象的爱。我想要你、需要你在我的生活我的爱里。我继续祈祷,为地震受害者和他们的家人。让我们珍惜每一天,珍惜我们的爱,不要追忆过去。未来是我们的,我们深切的关怀和爱护必将推动我们在任何地方继续生活。 我爱你我的Tianai ,我今晚将会梦见你,我想要抱着你。