1,the important thing in life is to have a great aim and the determinatn. 2,living without an aim is like sailing withyout a compass 3,a good heart makes a blooming visage 4, a good face is a letter of recommendation 5,a man has two ears and one mo
1. 每个人都应该有一个伟大的人生目标和为之奋斗的决心. 2. 人生没有目标就好像在海上航行失去了方向一样. 3. 心花怒放/笑逐颜开. 4. 好容貌本身就是一封推荐信/ 爱美之心,人皆有之 / 一俊遮百丑(要根据情况用,这个就不确定了.) 5. 每个人都有两只耳朵却只有一张嘴是为了少说多听. 6. 一天之际在于辰.