如何减轻地震为你造成的伤害 How to ruce earthquake damage caused to you First it is necessary to have extensive knowledge of earthquake prediction, do not attempt to rely on others to give you a prediction. More to the country as GENG Qing-guo, Chen Yi-wen such professionals Family and some civil GAO Ren learning. Second, if you can forecast to come to the earthquake, and make yourself aware of the prevention efforts like, do not try to inform the outside world to prevent the disruption of social support of the people, not the Internet to post notices to the world, as you will be catched to the prisoner. Thirdly, when the earthquake occurred, do not panic, to recall before the master of escape skills, and depending on the current situation of self-help choose the best way. Special attention should be reminded here that the earthquake comes, if conditions allow, as far as possible to cities and counties to the town of Tower, the direction of running government agencies, usually the one hand there will be a large square, the government is building a solid and will not collapse. In particular, attention should be paid to leave kindergarten, primary, secondary and other high-risk places. Of course, if your school is the LiuHan hope primary, you can as the earthquake did not happen to you on a course like.