I decid that it was time for a much needed shower, but not before stuffing down the entire plate of lasagna that had long since gone cold. My mother shot him a dirty look. She probably thought I was going to ask him to whack someone or something. I tho
我决定该去好好地洗一个淋浴,但在此之前,我先要把那整盘早已放凉了的宽面条吞下肚子。 我妈瞪了他一眼,她大概以为我是要他帮我揍什么人一顿或搞砸些什么。 我想,也许我们可以先去Baia在Olena家住上一段时间,然后住到你伊斯坦布尔的物业那里。 即管告诉我何时就行,我会为你都准备好了,我的私人飞机随时供你差遣。 另一方面,我她满脸狐疑地看着我,但没有追问下去。