请将以下英语新闻翻译成英文,允许使用专业词汇,但不要机器翻译,谢谢! 兴业银行今日挂牌上市 兴业银行股份有限公司今天将在上海证券交易所挂牌上市,代码601166,标志着又一家全国性银行正式登陆国内A股市场。 作为新年第一股,兴业银行发行价为每股15.98元,在此前的网下配售和网上发行阶段,已分别以2240多亿元和9370多亿元的申购资金量,创下中国资本市场历史最高纪录,充分显示了投资者对其投资价值的认同。 截至2006年6月底,兴业银行资产总额5322亿元,各项存款余额3852亿元,各项贷款余额2
兴业银行今日挂牌上市 Industrial Bank listed today 兴业银行股份有限公司今天将在上海证券交易所挂牌上市,代码601166,标志着又一家全国性银行正式登陆国内A股市场。 IndustrialBankCo., daylistedontheShanghaiStockExchange,stockcode601166.Anationalbanksharesalsomarkstheformallandmarket.作为新年第一股,兴业银行发行价为每股15.98元,在此前的网下配售和网上发行阶段,已分别以2240多亿元和9370多亿元的申购资金量,创下中国资本市场历史最高纪录,充分显示了投资者对其投资价值的认同。 New Year as the first shares were issued at a price of the Industrial Bank of 15.98 yuan per share. Prior to the issuance of online and offline Placing stage each has more than 2,240 billion and more than 9,370 billion purchase amount of funds, China's capital market set a record high, investors fully demonstrates the recognition of the value of its investment. 截至2006年6月底,兴业银行资产总额5322亿元,各项存款余额3852亿元,各项贷款余额2923亿元,2003年至2005年上述三项指标年均增幅分别达到35.42%、30.78%和24.32%,净利润年均增长超过30%,不良贷款比率仅为2.01%。本次A股成功发行上市,将为兴业银行进一步完善全国网络布局,持续、快速、健康发展提供新的强劲动力。 As of the end of June 2006, total assets of the Industrial Bank of 532.2 billion yuan, deposits totaled 385.2 billion yuan. The outstanding loans stood at 292.3 billion yuan. These three indicators from 2003 to 2005 with an average annual growth rate reached 35.42%. 30.78% and 24.32%, the average net profit growth of more than 30%. The ratio of bad loans was only 2.01%. The successful issuance of A-shares listed, the banks will be set up to further improve the layout of the national network, a sustained, rapid and provide new impetus to the development of robust health. 不知道我的翻译是否可以帮助到你