Sub 图片版式转换() Dim oShape As Variant, shapeType As WdWrapType On Error Resume Next If MsgBox("Y将图片由嵌入式转为浮动式,N将图片由浮动式转为嵌入式", 68) = 6 Then shapeType = Val(InputBox(Prompt:="请输入图片版式:0=四周型,1=紧密型, " & vbLf & _
看看这样是否可行~~ Sub 图片版式转换() Dim oShape As Variant, shapeType As WdWrapType On Error Resume Next For Each oShape In ActiveDocument.InlineShapes Set oShape = oShape.ConvertToShape With oShape oShape.WrapFormat.Type = 0 '四周型 oShape.WrapFormat.AllowOverlap = False '不允许重叠 oShape.Left = wdShapeRight '右对齐 End With Next End Sub