是不是觉得我对你不好,因此而呢? 其实不是这样.是因为心情不好所以顾不上你了.这样吧,就象你说的,晚上出去逛逛怎么样? 买点好吃的东西.
是不是觉得我对你不好,因此而伤心呢? 其实不是这样.是因为心情不好所以顾不上你了.这样吧,就象你说的,晚上出去逛逛怎么样? 买点好吃的东西. Do you think I do not treat you so well that you are sad ? The truth is that I am in a bad mood and do not care about you.For a change,just as you said,shall we go out to have a good stroll and get something good to eat ?