Behind the Veil A veil reels stretch the stealthy face, In breeze to waver chingly. Black moles and freckles you think race To creep up skins desperately. Through drizzling apertures the eyes In twinkling Venus-like entice The heart each layer s
我也来凑热闹: 韵步 念奴娇 蒙 面纱摇曳,沐轻风、遮掩容颜如雾。 乍看迷离曾窃语:莫非斑痕尽驻? 诱惑穿纱,明眸闪烁,撩起千般妒。 双唇如月,樱桃胭脂封固。 倘若开启芳唇:无坚不摧,引倾慕无数。 声似塞壬:海晶宫,畅饮琼浆蜜露。 纵使神酒,不与换斛! 恰清风骤拂,飘纱落处,红润倩颜何诉! --- 献丑了。