W: CORPORATE / NATIONAL / BROKER WQA Category Requirements 伍尔沃斯:公司/民族/经纪人 伍尔沃斯: 分类要求 The following document outlines the requirements for any Corporate / National / Broker business supporting manufacturers supplying products to Woolworths Brand, Bulk Su
1:企业、国家、经纪人 2:The following document outlines the requirements for any Corporate / National / Broker business supporting manufacturers 【supplying products to {Woolworths Brand, Bulk Supply and Fresh Foods Departments}.】 说明:【】的内容为前面的定语,这个你是对的,但后面你就错了。 {}内的内容是一个整体,意思是向这些企业提供产品。 Woolworths Brand, Bulk Supply and Fresh Foods Departments都是企业名称,也就是向这三个企业提供产品。不能误解哦!