In 2004,a Natnal Museum was opened to honor the first American and to remind us all not only of the pain and suffering caused by the Trail of tears and other sad time,but also of the joy,beauty and strength of Native American culture and history.这句话怎么翻译?t
to honor和to remind是两个并列的目的状语. 2004年,一座国家博物馆开放了,这座博物馆一方面是向土著美国人表示敬意,同时也提醒人们,在土著美国人的文化和历史上,不仅有被迫迁移时代及其它时期所带来的辛酸和痛苦,更有欢乐,美丽和坚强. Trail of tears印第安人被强制离开家园的时代 of Native American culture and history 修饰前面的pain,suffering,joy,beauty and history