1、医生转过身来,非常有礼貌地同我打招呼。 2、店主:“你想买点什么?” 3、人们不再叫他小矮人儿了。 4、你听说过那个地方吗? 5、你可以想象他是多么地悲伤。 6、我们应该尽快地把她送进医院。 7、你认为每天早上一小时散步,对你有好处吗? 8、他从来没有想过要当一名教员。
1、医生转过身来,非常有礼貌地同我打招呼。 The doctor turned and greeted me with courtesy. 2、店主:“你想买点什么?” The shop owner asked,"Can I help you?" 3、人们不再叫他小矮人儿了。 Nobody would call him LITTLE STUMPY any more. 4、你听说过那个地方吗? Have you ever heard about that place? 5、你可以想象他是多么地悲伤。 You can imagine how sad he is. 6、我们应该尽快地把她送进医院。 We should take her to the hospital as soon as possible. 7、你认为每天早上一小时散步,对你有好处吗? Do you think it is good for you to walk an hour every morning? 8、他从来没有想过要当一名教员。 He has never dreamed to become an instructor.