请用最简单的及语法翻译以下对话: 欢迎大家到XX公司加参我们的公开面试会,本次招聘的职位是XX,首先介绍一下本次面试的面试官,这位是公司总经理XX先生,这位是财务经理XX小姐,这位是人力资源部DD小姐,我是职位是总经理助理,XX.现在让我们开始面试,请各位面试者用一分钟时间为自己做一个简单的自我介绍,先由XX先生开始.
Good morning ladies and gentlemen, welcome to XXXcompany, my name is XXX, assistant of General Manager, the following couple of hours will be a interview of XXX position, first of all, i would like to introduce the interviewers, this is general Manager, and the lady next is financial manager, the other is HR manager. Each of the candidates will have 1 minutes to give a brief introduction of yourself, shall we start from Mr.XXX?