Wang Hua borrow a book from you two months ago.Now you are in need of the book.You are required to write him a letter of about 100 words to urge him to return the book to you and the letter should include the following information. 1催他还书的原因2他如果没用完怎么办(80字)
Dear Wang Hua,   I have a big favor to a you. I am late for my appointment with Professor Jones, and need to go directly to his office. I also have one books that are due back at the library this evening. As I will not be able to get to the library before it closes, I was wondering if you would possibly have the time to return the books for me.   I realize this is a big favor to ask of you, as you are also very busy. In return for help, I would like to buy you lunch tomorrow. Thanks in advance!