下午两点,是老人午觉后的活动时间,我们一行人到达了目的地,活动室里一些老人正看着,我们并没有打扰他们。 正好赶上北京电视台的采访,我们将老人们围成一个圈,为他们唱歌,看得出有些老人真的很高兴,尽管歌词已经记不清,连曲调也很不连贯,但还跟着我们一起唱。
2 PM, it is activity time after the old folk's nap time. When we arrived at the activity center, the old folks were watching TV, and we did not disturb them. It so happened that we ran into Beijing TV Station's interview time, we surrounded the old folks and sang for them. It was quite obvious the old folks were happy. While they may not remember the lyrics, nor could they sing the tunes continuously, but they followed us along, singing.