史 中学物理教学 素质教育 物理学史是研究物理学发展的学科
史 history of physics 中学物理教学 high school physics' teaching 素质教育 the education of the stuff 物理学史是研究物理学发展的学科, 它不仅真实记载描述了物理科学形成发展的历程,而且解释与分析了历程的形成背景与 规律,不仅包含物理科学知识体系逐步成熟发展的过程,也包括科学家们探索追求真理的事实与故事。 History of physics is a subject to study how the physics developed. It was not only recording and describing the course about how did the physics science form and develop, but also explained and analyzed the developing background and rule. It is not only including the course in which physics science system became mature from basic phase, but also including the real story about the scientist how did explore and pursue truth