再有一个月我就要考六级了,别的题型我都还可以 就是作文写不好,也没有什么好的办法。在这一个月该如何让写作能力有所提高?
这是我随堂给写的一篇有关校园婚姻的范文,我做些点评给你 要求:文章中应至少包含下面两部分: 1.最近,社会上出现了关于高校学生可以结婚的讨论; 2.我的意见是… Recently, there occurs a heated discussion on whether it is good for college students to get married. Some people hold / think / advocate college students, as adults, have the right to get married, while some other people argue that this will exert a very bad / negative influence on their study. As for me, / in my view, I agree with the latter opinion. It is not practicable for college students to get married. First, as far as a student is concerned, priority should be given to his study rather than the remote and so-called romantic marriage life. Second, college students are not mature enough. Their ideas of love and marriage are still vague. So I have every reason to doubt whether they can be responsible for their marriage/ spouses. Thirdly, most students are still dependent on their parants financially. If they get married, they have to at least rent or buy a house in or outside their university, which will be, to a real extent, a heavy burden for their parants to carry. Therefore, one should weigh both sides before making the decision. After all, “ marry in haste, repent in leisure”. 点评: 1. 首先注意用词.这篇作文里面的 occur, heated discussion, hold, exert an influence on sth, negative, practicable,give priority to, remote, so-called, mature, vague, spouse, be responsible for, be dependent on, financially, to a real extent, carry a burden, weigh both sides类似难度的词和表达,你是否能用在你的作文里,如果你用不好的话,建议你平时多做替换,例如and可以用词组as well as 替换, about 可以换成 roughly, 或者 approximately,还要记一些常见的表达,比如我这里面用到的,“把。。。放在第一位”等等。另外注意,学会积极地使用形容词和副词,而不要仅仅满足于把基本的意思表述出来。这样你文章的内容才会显得更丰富。例如,我这里面的remote, so-called romantic,to a real extent等。 2. 句型和结构。文章里面的 介词+whether, while,rather than, ",+which", before doing sth 也是必须要用好的,你必须要让你的作文看上去更象是英语作文。另外,这里面的rather than 和 ,which 的结构都可以用来使句子变长的。(议论文中多使用长句子,给人严密,有气势的感觉)其实第二段的第二个观点,还可以用 too...to句型来表达。即:College students are too young to be responsible for their spouses. Since their ideas of love and marriage are still vague, I have every reason to doubt whether they can live a happy marriage life or not. 其他方面:插入语 as adult, to a real extent, 复合式形容词 so-called,也会给你的作文增色不少。 3. 整体上对篇章把握。 熟练掌握常见的作文模式。议论文的结构大同小异。第一段都要引题。这里面我采取的最大众的写法,希望你能记住这个模式,这样可以应付很多作文。如,刚刚考过的四级作文说,学校是否应该作为景点供外人参观。你也可以套用:最近,出现了关于。。。的热烈讨论。有的人认为。。。而另外一部分人认为。。 接着第二段,我认为 学校这么做是不应该。first, second, third.在给出原因后,一定要用一到俩句话解释一下,这样显得论述充分,有说服力。最后自然过渡到结尾段。这里面我用了个英语里面的谚语,建议你也多背几句,如果用上了,会收到很好的效果。ps,有的时候自己编出一个来也可以的! 最后再给你归纳几个可以替换常规的表达方式,(我把最常规的写在前面)肯定对你有帮助 1. 定语的表达手段:adj - 定语从句 - 分词 - 介宾(后置定语) 如:他是个有相当影响力的人。He is a man of considerable influence. 2. 状语 adv - 介宾短语 extreme = in the extreme 3. 谓语 v.- 动词词组 - 形容词词组 - 动宾结构 not agree with - be opposed to meet with - be confronted with like to do - be fond of - have a (great) desire to do visit - pay sb a (private) visit consider - take sth into (careful) consideration halt - bring sth to a halt emphasize - put (great) emphasis on use - make (full) use of refer to - make a (passing) reference to顺便提及 看出来后面的结构的潜在优势了吧 do-介词词组+介词We get together to celebrate Christmas - We get together in (great) celebration of Christmas. He worked hard to pursue his dream - He worked hard in pursuit of his dream.记住这里面你平时不常用的!只有别人没用到的你用到了,你才能拿高分。 总而言之,写作考察的是综合能力,要想提高,需要对英语语法有一个较为清晰的认识,并通过对基本功的巩固一点一点地提高。希望我的这些话能够给你一些帮助。