1.---Henry said at the meeting surpris everybody present. A.What B.That C.Which D.Where 2.The fire is going out.Add some wood---it. A.on B.to C.from D.for 3.I have moved into---building. A.a 11-storys B.a 11-sotried C.an 11-storys D.a 11-storeyed 4.M
1.选A,先把定语从句部分去掉,变成 _______ (Henry said at the meeting)surprised everybody present.可以看出来句子是缺少主语的,因此需要用what引导一个名词性状语从句,作为主语。即(what Henry said)来作主语 句意:Henry在会上上说的话令在场的每个人惊讶。 2.选B. Add sth.to动词词组表示往...中添加。这里是火快熄灭了,因此要添些木柴。 3.选D. 数字---storyed building表示几层楼的房子的一种固定说法 4.选A. 如果空前有the same则可以as,这里没有,只能填that作为代词,代指My home town