the processes that cause shifts from particularized and mediated to categorical and direct relations between citizens and government, broadening and equalization of relations among political actors, reduced penetration of social inequalities into public p
那些引起市民与政府之间非正常间接关系转变为直接明确的关系、同时拓宽了竞争对手之间平等关系的方法(或进程、过程)缓和了社会公共不同政治利害之间的冲突,促进着社会信任网络的逐步形成. (说明:根据对全文的理解,processes可以翻译为进程、过程、活动等) (理解提示: broadening and equalization of relations among political actors, 和 and increasing integration of trust networks into public politics. 分别是独立分词结构)