最近比较喜欢Phil Collins,菲尔柯林斯的歌,但是不到,谁能提供个找到的方法,主要是他在动化片《泰山》里唱的,主题曲已经找到,还有一些插曲,找不到,请大家帮帮忙,实在是很想听那些歌
《泰山》(Tarzan)[!]原声音乐的BT下载地址 专辑曲目: 01. Tarzan and Jane 02. Baboon Chase 03. Herchak 04. Tracking the Humans 05. Jane Meets Herchak 06. Tarzan Leaves 07. A Wonderous Place 08. Sabor Fight 09. Tarzan the Hero 10. The Offering 11. The Tree House 12. Elephant Stampede 13. Hala Discovers Tarzan 14. One Family 15. Sabor Attacks 16. Tarzan and the Humans 17. Herchak Threatens 18. Farewell at Sea 19. Clayton's Ambush 20. The Rescue 21. Hala and Harchak 22. Herchak's Speech 23. The Pirates 24. Jan Leaves 25. Tarzan Saves the Apes 26. Vine Fight 27. Jane Stays with Tarzan