ma a step 的意思有哪些?希望知道的朋友能给予一个明确的答案
迈步 1.This is necessary in order to ma a step towards building a complete theory. 这对于逐步建立一个完整的理论是需要的。 2.We decided to make the move to a new revenue model last year and today is just the first step in that process. 去年我们决定转向新的盈利模式,今天就是这个进程的第一步。 3.Beijing's attempt to make the renminbi a global currency took a step forward on friday with an agreement that will let banks in taiwan clear transactions in the chinese currency. 根据上周五达成的一项协议,台湾的银行将能够清算以人民币计价的交易,这标志着中国政府的人民币国际化努力向前迈进了一步。 4.I am not disappointed, because every time I leave the vain attempt behind me, I make a step forward. 我并不气馁,因为我将每一次错误的尝试抛在脑后,就等于是又向前跨了一步。 5.We must seize the opportunity to make copenhagen a significant step forward in the global fight against climate change. 我们必须抓住机会,使哥本哈根成为全球在对付气候变化斗争中向前迈出的重要一步。