中译英,比较复杂,用翻译器的别进翎羽山庄背景相关:  上古时,后
翎羽山庄 背景相关:   上古时,后羿以东海主神帝俊所赐落日神箭射九日,救民众于水火之中。自己也因此触怒了帝俊被逐出东海,从此归隐在燕丘的山林,他坚信只要世间但有不平事便是他再次出世之时。偶有见到资质上佳的,便收为弟子,传授天下无敌的神箭之术,翎羽山庄便应运而生。    云麓仙居 背景相关:   炎帝之时,蚩尤、刑天组织了妖魔军队,意图推翻炎帝,夺取其部落的统治权。炎帝于是向黄帝轩辕氏求助,共同抵抗妖魔。黄帝手下有应龙、女魃两员大将,应龙是修炼了千年的龙神转世,可以发起大水;女魃是旱神转世,居住的地方总
翎羽山庄 背景相关:   上古时,后羿以东海主神帝俊所赐落日神箭射九日,救民众于水火之中。自己也因此触怒了帝俊被逐出东海,从此归隐在燕丘的山林,他坚信只要世间但有不平事便是他再次出世之时。偶有见到资质上佳的,便收为弟子,传授天下无敌的神箭之术,翎羽山庄便应运而生。 Archer Heights Background: The ancient hero Houyi had shot down nine of the ten suns that caused constant great droughts and miseries to earth with the magical arrows awarded by Dijun, the god of East Sea. However he offended Dijun by doing that and had to lead a seclusive life in the forest in Yanqiu, after he was banished from East Sea. Houyi believed he should come back if woe fell upon world again, and trained talented children with his peerless archery. That is how the Archer Heights came into being.    云麓仙居 背景相关:   炎帝之时,蚩尤、刑天组织了妖魔军队,意图推翻炎帝,夺取其部落的统治权。炎帝于是向黄帝轩辕氏求助,共同抵抗妖魔。黄帝手下有应龙、女魃两员大将,应龙是修炼了千年的龙神转世,可以发起大水;女魃是旱神转世,居住的地方总是烈日炎炎,土地焦裂。黄帝还得到了九天玄女传授的火水风三卷天书和风后传授的八阵图,大将应龙用八阵图训练士兵,建立了天机营;女魃用三卷天书教授弟子,建立了云麓仙居。 Cloud Land Background: During the reign of Yandi a demon army was raised by Chiyou and Xingtian who want to overthrow Yandi and have the tribe under their control. Yandi turned to Huangdi(Xuanyuan) for help, trying to form an alliance against demons. The latter is assisted by two powerful servants---Yinglong, an incarnation of dragon deity who was able to summon flood, and Nuba, an incarnation of Drought who dwelt on scorched earth. Huangdi also received the Three Heavenly Scripts of Fire, Water and Wind, from Mystic Queen of Ninth Heaven, as well as the Eight-Diagram Formation from Fenghou. After that, Yinglong established the Celestial Intelligence to train soldiers with Eight-Diagram Formation, while Nuba established Cloud Land to teach disciples with the Three Heavenly Scripts.