称加息为调控信贷投放 稳定通货膨胀预期 央行宣布1年期存款利率上调0.27个百分点 中国人民银行21日晚间宣布,自22日起上调金融机构人民币存贷款基准利率。这是央行本年内第4次加息。 根据决定,金融机构一年期存款基准利率上调0.27个百分点,由现行的3.33%提高到3.60%;一年期贷款基准利率上调0.18个百分点,由现行的6.84%提高到7.02%;其他各档次存贷款基准利率也相应调整。个人住房公积金贷款利率相应上调0.09个百分点。 央行称,本次加息是为合理调控货币信贷投放,稳定通货膨胀预期
称加息为调控信贷投放 稳定通货膨胀预期 The Chinese central bank said the rate hike is aimed at controlling the money in circulation and stablizing inflation expectations. 央行宣布1年期存款利率上调0.27个百分点 The Chinese central bank announced a 0.27% increase in one-year deposit rate. 中国人民银行21日晚间宣布,自22日起上调金融机构人民币存贷款基准利率。这是央行本年内第4次加息。 On August 21, the People's Bank of China (PBOC) announced that it was raising the benchmark Renminbi deposit and lending rates for financial institutions, effective from August 22, marking the fourth rate hike in the year. 根据决定,金融机构一年期存款基准利率上调0.27个百分点,由现行的3.33%提高到3.60%;一年期贷款基准利率上调0.18个百分点,由现行的6.84%提高到7.02%;其他各档次存贷款基准利率也相应调整。个人住房公积金贷款利率相应上调0.09个百分点。 According to the decision, the benchmark one-year deposit rate for financial institutions will be increased by 0.27%, from 3.33% at present to 3.60%; the benchmark one-year lending rate will be increased by 0.18%, from 6.84% to 7.02%; other benchmark deposit and lending rates will also be adjusted accordingly. The personal housing fund lending rate will be increased by 0.09%. 央行称,本次加息是为合理调控货币信贷投放,稳定通货膨胀预期。 PBOC said that the hike is aimed at reasonably controlling the money in circulation and stablizing inflation expectations. 国家统计局日前数据显示,受食品价格快速攀升影响,7月份全国居民消费价格总水平同比上涨达到5.6%,这是我国CPI连续5个月同比上涨达到3%以上,也是近10年来CPI月度涨幅最高的一个月。 Data recently issued by the State Statistics Bureau show that, with the rapid rise in food prices, the general price level of the country saw a 5.6% Y/Y increase in July, which marks the fifth consecutive month when the Y/Y growth of CPI is over 3%, and records the highest M/M growth of CPI over nearly 10 years.