完全二叉树判断问题 基本功能与要求 1 编写一个创建二叉树的 2 编写算法判断一个给定的二叉树是否为完全二叉树 3 编写一个测试主函数,要求测试主函数中要包括是完全二叉树和不是完全二叉树两种情况
1。 创建 并 中序遍历输出 #include #include typedef enum{Link,Thread} PointerTag; //指针标志 typedef int DataType; typedef struct BiThreTree{ //定义结点元素 PointerTag LTag,RTag; DataType data; struct BiThreTree *lchild,*rchild; }BiThreTree; BiThreTree *pre; //全局变量,用于二叉树的线索化 BiThreTree *CreateTree() //按前序输入建立二叉树 { BiThreTree *T; DataType e; scanf("%d",&e); if(e==0) T=NULL; else {T=(BiThreTree *)malloc(sizeof(BiThreTree)); T->data=e; T->LTag=Link; //初始化时指针标志均为Link T->RTag=Link; T->lchild=CreateTree(); T->rchild=CreateTree(); } return T; } void InThread(BiThreTree *T) { BiThreTree *p; p=T; if(p) { InThread(p->lchild); if(!p->lchild) { p->LTag=Thread; p->lchild=pre; } if(!pre->rchild) { pre->RTag=Thread; pre->rchild=p; } pre=p; InThread(p->rchild); } } BiThreTree *InOrderThrTree(BiThreTree *T) //中序线索化二叉树 { BiThreTree *Thre; //Thre为头结点的指针 Thre=(BiThreTree *)malloc(sizeof(BiThreTree)); Thre->lchild=T; Thre->rchild=Thre; pre=Thre; InThread(T); pre->RTag=Thread; pre->rchild=Thre; Thre->rchild=pre; return Thre; } void InThrTravel(BiThreTree *Thre) //中序遍历二叉树 { BiThreTree *p; p=Thre->lchild; while(p!=Thre) //指针回指向头结点时结束 { while(p->LTag==Link) p=p->lchild; printf("%4d",p->data); while(p->RTag==Thread&&p->rchild!=Thre) {p=p->rchild; printf("%4d",p->data); } p=p->rchild; } } int main() { BiThreTree *T,*Thre; T=CreateTree(); Thre=InOrderThrTree(T); InThrTravel(Thre); system("pause"); } ****************************************** 2。 struct node { T value; node * left, * right; }; //traverse binary tree in pre-order fashion. * pMaxH should be //-1 initially indicating the value of * pMaxH be invalid int Traverse (node * pNode, int H, int * pMaxH, int * pMinH) { int ret = 0; if (pNode == 0) { //external node if (* pMaxH == -1) { //the first external node * pMaxH = H; * pMinH = H - 1; ret = 1; } else { if (H == * pMaxH) { ret = 1; } else { if (H == * pMinH) { * pMaxH = H; ret = 1; } } } } else { if ((ret = Traverse (pNode->left, H + 1, pMaxH, pMinH)) == 1) ret = Traverse (pNode->right, H + 1, pMaxH, pMinH); } return ret; } *************************************************** 3。 #include "stdafx.h" #include "stdlib.h" typedef int Status; typedef int QElemType; #define OVERFLOW -2 #define OK 1 #define ERROR 0 #define MAX_TREE_DEGREE 10 typedef struct BTnode{//以二叉链表作为存储结构 char data; struct BTnode* lchild; struct BTnode* rchild; }BTnode,*BTree; Status CreateBiTree(BTree &T) { /* 按先序次序输入二叉树中结点的值(可为字符型或整型,在主程中定义),*/ /* 构造二叉链表表示的二叉树T。变量Nil表示空(子)树。*/ char ch; scanf("%c",&ch); if(ch==' ') /* 空 */ T=NULL; else{ if(!(T=(BTnode *)malloc(sizeof(BTnode)))) /* 生成根结点 */ exit(OVERFLOW); T->data=ch; CreateBiTree(T->lchild); /* 构造左子树 */ CreateBiTree(T->rchild);/* 构造右子树 */ } return OK; } /*单链队列--队列的链式存储结构 */ typedef struct QNode { BTree data; struct QNode *next; }QNode,*QueuePtr; typedef struct { QueuePtr front,rear; /* 队头、队尾指针 */ }LinkQueue; int initqueue(LinkQueue Q)//队列初始化 { Q.front=Q.rear=(QueuePtr)malloc(sizeof(QNode)); if(!Q.front) exit (OVERFLOW); Q.front->next=NULL; return OK; } Status enqueue(LinkQueue Q,BTree e)//入队 { QueuePtr p; p=(QueuePtr)malloc(sizeof(QNode)); if(!p) exit(OVERFLOW); p->data=e; p->next=NULL; Q.rear->next=p; Q.rear=p; return OK; } Status dequeue(LinkQueue Q,BTree e)//出队 { if(Q.front==Q.rear) return ERROR; QueuePtr p; p=Q.front->next; e=p->data; Q.front->next=p->next; if(Q.rear==p) Q.rear=Q.front; free(p); return OK; } Status queueempty(LinkQueue Q)//判断队列是不是空的 { if(Q.front==Q.rear) return ERROR; else return OK; } Status iscompletetree(BTree T)//判断是否是完全二叉树、 { LinkQueue Q; BTree p; p=T; if(!T) return 0; enqueue(Q,p); while(queueempty(Q)) { dequeue(Q,p); if(p) { enqueue(Q,p->lchild); enqueue(Q,p->rchild); } if(!p) { while(queueempty(Q)) { dequeue(Q,p->rchild); if(p) { printf("不是完全二叉树"); return ERROR; } } } } return OK; } int main(void)//简单测试 { BTree root; CreateBiTree(root); iscompletetree(root); return ERROR; }