经常看到ground的不一般用法,如此处: If a child reaches adulthood wh recollections only of television,little league and birthday parties,then that child has little to draw on when a true test of character comes up---says he,in a irritating business stituation./Unless th
请教是真的不敢当,这是督促我自学呢,也可以叫做互相借助头脑来学习,各取所需,呵呵。 首先,破折号后多了个he吧?say在这儿意思相当于for example。另外,Little League是个NBA之类的组织,专有名词应大写。至于a irritating,不过是个输入失误而已。 1、关于come up,赞同您的理解。 2、据英汉双解《当代英语习语大词典》(秦秀白主编,天津技术出版社、外语教学与研究出版社,1999),be grounded in意为“be well trained in; knows (a subject) thoroughly精于;通晓”,放在此处正合适。 3、//部分,我且试译如下:除非那孩子对自己的身份和来历一清二楚,否则其它种种都不过是在演戏。 4、据牛津高阶第八版,act作单数名词时,意为a way of behaving that is not sincere but is intended to have a particular effect on others,放在此处正合适。