question n.问题 [5kwestF(E)n] question 来自拉丁语 quaerere 询问 [5kwestF(E)n] n 问题 You haven't answered my question. 你还没有回答我的问题。 难题;待解决的事 疑问;怀疑;置疑 His honesty is beyond question. 他的诚实无可怀疑。 in question 在考虑中的;在议论中的 out of the question 不可能的 there's no question of 不可能的 question vt, vi 询问;质问 The police questioned/interrogated the prisoner. 警察盘问囚犯。;警察审讯囚犯。 I questioned the teacher about the work she had given us. 我就老师给我们的工作向她询问。 表示怀疑 I do not question his honesty. 我不怀疑他的诚实。 ask demand inquire interrogate query quiz question [5kwestFEn] n. 问题, 疑问 发问, 询问, 质问 议题; 争论点; (法庭上的)争端 【语】疑问句 审问; [古]拷问 (把问题)付表决, 付表决[待表决]的问题 可能性, 机会 uestion问某人一个问题 aquestion of time 时间问题 a special question 特殊疑问句 There is no question about it. 这是毫无疑问的。 There is no question of escape. 没有逃走的可能。 question [5kwestFEn] vt. 询问; 盘问; 讯问; 审问 对... 提出疑问, 怀疑 争论 分析, 探究 question sb. on his views 询问某人的看法 Stop question ing me about my personal business! 停止盘问我的私事! The teacher will question us on verbs. 老师将问我们关于动词的知识。 He was questioned by the police. 他被警察讯问。 Do you question his honesty? 你怀疑他的诚实吗? question [5kwestFEn] vi. 询问, 探究 questionmaster n. (广播或等中)问答节目主持人 questionable [5kwestFEnEb(E)l] adj. questionably adv. questioner n. 询问者, 讯问者, 审问者 questionless [`kwestFEnlIs] adj. questionlessly adv. a loadedquestion 另有用意的问题; 含意隐晦的问题; 抱有偏见的问题 a previous question (议会中的)先决问题[动议] a question of questions 首要问题 a sixty-four dollar question 最难解决的问题; 最重要的问题 an open question 未解决的问题; 容许争论的问题 answer the question [俚](马在赛马前测试时)跑得很好 Ask no questions and you will be told no lies. [谚]少打听就听不到假话。 at question 可疑的, 可以争论的 beg the question 用未经证实的假定来辩论 武断 回避问题的实质 beside the question 离题 beyond (all) question 的确; 毫无疑问; 无可争辩 burning question 目前最吸引人的问题, 急待解决的问题 call in question 对... 表示怀疑 对... 提出异议 要求...的证据 catch question 怪题 come into question 成为讨论[考虑]的事项 cross questions and crookcd answers (答非所问, 问非所答的)问答游戏; 答非所问, 问非所答 essay question 问答题(与填充题, 是非题相对而言) fence with a question (=parry a question) 回避直接答复问题; 支吾搪塞 floor thequestion [口]令人满意地回答问题 home question 打中要害的质问 in question 被谈的, 正在谈论的 有问题; 被怀疑 辩论中的; 审议中的 leading question 主要问题 暗示性的问题 make no question of [about] sth. 对某事不加怀疑, 承认某事 out of question 毫无疑问 out of the question 不可能, 不容讨论 past question 毫无疑问 pop the question [口](男方向女方)求婚 put a question to sb. 向某人提问题 put the question 要求表决, 提付表决 put to the question 提交讨论 [古]刑讯逼供 raise a question 提出问题 rhetorical question 反问, 反诘, 反诘句 set the question at rest 使问题得到解决 shoot questions at sb. 向某人提出一连串问题, 紧紧追问某人 sleep on [upon, over]a question 把问题留到第二天解决 That is not the question. 这是文不对题; 问题不在这里。 there is no question about [口]...是毫无疑义的 there is no question (but)that 毫无疑问 there is no question of ...是毫无疑问的 ...是不可能的; ...是未提出讨论过的 to thequestion 针对当前正在讨论的题目; 对题 under question 在受盘问时; (在)讲座中的问题 vexed question 议论纷纭莫衷一是的问题; 难以解决的问题 without question 毫无疑问; 肯定 academic question 学术性问题 alternative question 选择问句 automated answering question 自动回答问题, 自动答题, 自动回问 choice question 选择题 commentative question 注释疑问句 confirmative question 证实疑问句 data response questions 数据反映问题 dependent question 从属问话(即间接问话) encoded question 【自】编码的题目 examination questions 考题, 试题 fixed-alternative question 选答题; 固定答案题 general question 一般疑问句 heuristic question 启发式问题 oblique question 间接问句 open-ended question 启发问题 partial question 部分疑问 pending question 未决问题, 悬案 prompting question 暗示性问题 puzzling question 疑难问题 spot questions (考试)押题 扼要回答的试题 tricky question 偏题, 怪题 yes-or-no question 是非问句 questions of classification 分类问题 question of fact [law] (裁判中)有关事实[规则]的问题 见ask question [ 5kwestFEn ] n.问题, 疑问, 询问 v.询问, 审问, 怀疑