kiwi [5ki:wi:] n. []几维(一种新西兰产的无翼鸟), <口> 新西兰人 kiwi ki.wi AHD:[k¶“w¶] D.J.[6ki8wi8] K.K.[6kiwi] n.(名词) 【复数】 ki.wis Any of several flightless birds of the genus Apteryx native to New Zealand, having vestigial wings and a long, slender bill. Also called apteryx 鹬鸵:一种新西兰产的无翼属 不能飞的鸟,翼退化咀长而细 也作 apteryx A woody Chinese vine (Actinidia chinensis) having brown, fuzzy, edible fruit with a green, sweet pulp. 猕猴桃树:一种木本的中国攀缘植物(中华猕猴桃 猕猴桃属) ,具有褐色的有绒毛的可食用的果实及绿色的甜果肉 The fruit of this plant.Also called Chinese gooseberry 猕猴桃:猕猴桃树的果实也作 Chinese gooseberry Maori 毛利语 [perhaps of imitative origin] [可能是源于拟声] kiwi [5ki:wi:] n. -s (产于新西兰的)几维,无翼鸟 新西兰人