资信证明 XXX公司,为我行开户单位。该公司一贯遵守国家和我行资金管理规定。二00三年曾被我行评定为AA级信誉等级企业。截止到二00四年十一月十四日该公司在我行银行存余额为人民币捌佰万元整.下无正文. 说明:1.本证明书不得转让,不得作为担保、融资和变相融资的依据. 2.本证明书为正本,只限送往所致单位,涂改、复印无效. 工商银行自2003年1月1日起正式启用此文本.
redibility Certificate It is to certify that XXX corporation opens an account in our bank.The corporation consistently comples with the capital management regulations of the nation and our bank and has been granted Class AA Creditable Corporation certificate by our bank in 2003.The corporation has the balance of RMB8,000,000 by Nov.14th ,2003. Remark:1.This credibility Certificate is non-transferable and can not be the warranty for guarantee, financing or disguised financing. 2. This certifacate is original which can be only sent to the company concerned and is invalid when altered or copied. 3.Commercial Bank of China will bring this version into effect from January 1, 2004 on