主要涵盖方面包括: 出生于中国上海 性格:开朗,诚实,有幽默感 工作:在一家IT相关公司工作 兴趣爱好:,主要是足球和NBA,业余时间喜欢上网和学习日语和英语。 最后表示想认识国外的朋友,了解和学习各国文化 麻烦哪位帮忙简单得写一下,万分感谢
从你用的形容词,猜你是个男的,要是不对自己把有关词语改掉:D I am XXX. My hometown is the fantastic cy of Shanghai. I am open, honest and humourous. For the last point I hope you'll all see soon. I work in an IT firm, but I am not the geeky type. I love sports, especially football and NBA. I also spend quite a lot of my free time online learning Japanese and English. I am curious of foreign cultures. I hope to have some friends from overseas, so we can exchange cultural and linguistic interests.