雨果的名言要中对照 名言要比较经典
雨果. 1 中最大的幸福就是有人爱我们。The superme happiness of life is the anuiction that we loued. 2 “生活好比旅行,理想是旅行的路线,失去了路线,只好停止前进了。生活既然没有目的,精力也就枯竭了。” Life is like to travel,ideal is its route,without which,one has to stop.If life has no aim,energy will be exhausted. 3 “即使你成功地模仿了一个有天才的人,你也缺乏他的独创精神,这就是他的天才。我们来赞美大师吧,但不要模仿他们。还是让我们别出心裁吧,如果成功了,当然很好,如果失败,又有什么关系呢?”even if you have copied a genious, you still lack his uniqe spirit, this is why he is a genious. so let's praise the great men and do not copy them. let's come up with different ideas. if we succeed, that will be good, but if we fail, what will that matter?