现在越来越多的人都留学,最大的问题就是语言障碍,费用的昂贵使我们无法承担。 出国留学对我而言是一个梦想,无论到哪个国家,语言是及其重要的因素之一。就拿我们 现在学习的英语来讲,它不但是国际通用的语言也是21世纪最重要的语言之一,但是就 以我们目前的英语水平而言,很难与老外们侃侃而谈。所以说,当务之急就是要学好英语这门课程。可以说出国留学是没个人梦寐以求的事,它不但可以增长我们的知识,又能拓宽 我们的视野,更能锻炼我们在国外独立生活的能力。 我是中专的,请大家翻译这篇文章,谢谢~~~
More and more ople choose to study abroad now.However,besides the high expenses that we can not afford,the biggest problem is language.As for me,studying abroad is also one of my dreams.Language is one extremely important factor for those who want to study abroad,wherever they are planning to go.The English language we are studying now is one that widely spoken throughout the world,and it is among the most important languages in 21st century.But we still lack the ability of talking with foreigners fluently due to our limited proficiency now,so,the imminent task for us is to study English well.Studying abroad is the dream of everyone,for it can increase our knowledge level,broaden our scope and enhance our ability of leading an independent life when living abroad.