要解决会计诚信缺失这一社会问题,最重要的办法就是:要注重法治与德治并重,开展综合治理。一方面要建立健全财会监督管理体系,健全内部财务管理办法,对会计诚信缺失的主体要依法进行处罚,追究单位有关人员的责任,对涉及违法犯罪者移送司法机关处理;另一方面,对会计人员、管理人员除强调约束外,还应该加强思想职业道德教育,树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,提高自身的素养,弘扬正气,形成良好的会计职业氛围,营造良好的会计经济秩序。 The most important solution to the problem of the lack of honesty and credit in accounting is to emphasize on law and morality and control using an integrated approach. One must establish a mature finance and accounting supervision and management system, improve on the management policies of internal finance, penalize the individuals and entities that causes discredit in accounting, investigate corresponding responsibilities and hand any lawbreakers over to judicial offices. On the other hand, one must also strengthen the education on professional morality and help accountants establish the correct view of the world, of life, of values and help them enhance their personal qualities and morality. This way, a positive atmosphere can be created in the accounting field and order can be fully restored in the accounting economic environment. 注:请支持人工翻译,谢谢!