In 33 artic which are mentioned above or in case of out performance in settlement of the dispute of article 33, any dispute arising out of performance of this agreement, both sides have a right to apply under Arbitration of the Turkish Republic
如因前面所提及之第33项条款所引发之争端无法解决,或因本协议所引发的任何争端无法解决的话;双方均有权向土尔其伊斯坦布尔商会申请仲裁。双方对伊商会所作出的仲裁裁定必须接受。所有伊商会之仲裁费用和人员时薪应由双方均摊承担。此外,如不使用商会仲裁方式,双方也有权就协议条款以及就解决协议未履行等问题向土尔其伊斯坦布尔商业法庭提起诉讼。法庭适用法律必须为土尔其法律,由法庭所作出的法律判决双方必须服从。 注:withou recourse to = without making use of