“在当代中电视扮演着非常重要的角色,但是我们应该辨证的看待它,电视开阔了人们的视野,丰富了人们的生活,给人们的生活增添了无穷的欢乐,通过电视我们可以学到什么多有用的东西,它回对我们的生活产生重大的影响,但同时我们也要看到它消极的一面,电视上的一些不良因素给青少年带了一些负面影响,过度的看电视影响了人们的身体健康。所以我们要正确的对待电视,吸取它带给我们的积极的东西。” In the contemporary life , TV plays an important role , but we regard it with authentication , it opened the people’s views , and enriched the people’s life , and made the people’s life increase endless joy , otherwise , we can learn a lot of knowledge which are useful through TV , and it brought the grand influence for our life , at the same time , we also pay attention to its passive aspect , for example , some bad facts brought some passive influence for young people on TV , and it will influent the people’s health to watch TV with extravagance . So we should regard TV rightly and extract what it brought some active things for us .