I had no difficulty in identifying him,standing there wh the book gripped firmly in one hand.A book had seemed the natural choice,as it had been those notes in the margins of another that had brought us together in the first place.请全句翻译一下,特别是"of another"是
括弧内的不是翻译内容,因为我不知道上下文,所以只能猜 ------------------------------------------------------ 我很快就猜出他就是我等的人:站在那里,一只手紧紧的握这一本书。 (他们第一次见面,书可能是他们的接头暗号) 我们都很自然地想到用书(作为识别物),因为正是另外一本书 页边的注释促使了我们最初的相知。 ------------------------------------------------------- of another = of another book. A book had seemed the natural choice, 是前半句,主语是 A book, 后面是逗号,所以。。。