帮我写份的辩论..简洁点..正方 赞成义务捐款 反方不赞成 短点就OK了 谢谢
桀骜不驯新年好: 您需要简洁,故我就分点来论述: 正方(即同意): I strongly agree that we shoud ma a voluntary donation? Firstly, we should still remember there are still poor in the world while we are rich, and we should give hands to them. Secondly, as a vivid saying:"God will bless those kind-hearted", you will be happy after hepling those poor in trouble through financial support. Last not but least, There is a good way of education to educate and cultivate students which makes them be kind-hearted and warm-hearted. 反方(即反对): There is no need to help those poor at all. Firstly,we are the same when boring to the world.Why some are rich while other are poor?Beacuse those rich are hard-working but not those poor. Secondly,as a vivid saying:"God will help those who konw help themselves",the more hardship,the more industrious, which shows no need to help those poor.Last not but least, we should tell our teenagers be independent rather not always ask for other's help. voluntary donation is an example of asking other's help which shoudn't be advocated 以上是个人的一些想法,如果需要更多私下联系.